Today sakura and officemates berpicnic &mandi cm giloz di sungai congkak~~emm.actually tu birthday celebration tp di buat kt luar office.(nk kumpul ARP point).janji kul 8.15 di office tp smuer x smpai lg huhuhhu..ader yg bru bangun la,bru nk gerak la hihihihi.dh la si Ai (my besh fren maser kt U)sesat time nk masuk simpang ke gumah sakura.tetiber terlajak ke highway Duke.huhuhuh..emm ~~last2 ayh sakura la yg anto ke office.
Nice btul sungai congkak ni..mmg sesuai utk family picnic,camping,barbeque...emm.
tp yg besh dpt mandi la huhuhu~lamer x mandi sungai...skali2 dpt mandi mmg sronok sgt.at the same time,maser kitorg mandi2 tu,ader ikan spa kaki.mula rs geli,tp lamer2 lyn~~~huhuhu.
ODW pgi and blk dr picnic,sakura smpt burak2 with my long time no see fren(Ai)...she is also heart-broken same like me(geng patah sayp)..she story mory about how she break-off with her bf..exactly jln ceriter samer.huhuhuh~~yg pihak lelaki putuskan percintaan tanpa rs bersalah langsung~do we need these kinda guys in our life~~exactly not.why cry for dis kind of man~no worth at all~~.InsyaAllah,we will find better& more3 better than them~~
naper lak kepala sakura cm penin ni~emm letih la.(x per smbung lg skit lg)
then kitorg gerak pgi rumah kwn Ai kawin di Ampang.jenuh jugak la cr jln nk kuar dr ampang tu huhuh..bkn nyer biaser gi area ampang ni.tp alhamdulilah jumpa gak.
bestnya picnic
ReplyDeleteey,tudung syria kesukaan ku
dear,i know u r strong