Now life pnuh dgn agenda yg diatur ~~bkn diatur oleh sakura~~tp org lain..yup kerja2~~emm wat to do~~nk cr rezeki yg halal..need to kj keras skit..xper~its for my future.
but its like imbalance life for me...mcm kaki sakura ni..dh 1 week still x baik2.its really painful.emmm.jln pun terhencot2.check doktor kate angin..emm but i know the reasons..yer la my body~of coz i can predict wat is wrong..
1.kurg exercise
2.x diet..lmak di bhgn perut,peha smuer naik
3. tido x pkai stokin
4.x massage body(lamer x buat sbb very bizy)
ntah la.. minggu2 ni i 'm very demotivated~~dgn tension siapkan doorgift lg.thank you to my beloved family for helping me to get the job done.so i dh belanjer mkn kfc,ok la tu kan heee.
helo3~~bkn doorgift utk kahwin k..actually utk office~~ader EMIT fair so that one is a doorgift to visitors.jgn slah sangka hihih.
before blk kg, i have attended kak Diana's wedding..k. Diana ni kakak angkat i mase kt SMP dulu..emm tp x smpt jumpe dier bcoz kitorg nk blk kg.congrats k.Diana.
emm so start khamis ni sakura nk ganti puase yg tertangguh(sbb [period),another 5 days..
oooh really~~so demotivated..cm kosong jer life ni.
Ya Allah..give me strength~~
ingatkan doorgift untuk kawen.. hehe
ReplyDeleteb strong my friend
ReplyDeletehapiz~doorgift kawin lg grand ma~~heee