Lets talk about sakura's dearest,smartest,high tech new bf...named sammy tabby:)
skrg tgh cas bateri session-from my lappy.there are huge application in android which sakura nk explore bnyk lagi..tp x brkesempatan..mybe lpas blogging ni kot.
Here are some of interesting app which sakura think veru useful, entertain and smart.
salah satu nya e-buddy.yg ni siaper yg suker chatting,application yg combine antara fb,ym,google talk..so xpyh nk log in bnyk2 kali sbb dh combine i 1 shot.
skrg tgh cas bateri session-from my lappy.there are huge application in android which sakura nk explore bnyk lagi..tp x brkesempatan..mybe lpas blogging ni kot.
Here are some of interesting app which sakura think veru useful, entertain and smart.
salah satu nya e-buddy.yg ni siaper yg suker chatting,application yg combine antara fb,ym,google talk..so xpyh nk log in bnyk2 kali sbb dh combine i 1 shot.
sesi mengecas
photo editing
Adobe Express
Doodle text the application that able you to touch the screen and draw what ever you like.quite similar like paint and you can draw banner for blog just using your finger!
Doodle text
Waze.application yg sakura bru nk godek2...basically its a gps application,which allow user to chat,share traffic report,accident,police traffic.you also can create own group and let others follow you whats happening in your current location.clear instruction on map to drive you through destination..sharing is caring..try it!

sakura's current location
sakura's current location